Higgs boson particle

Man's greatest concerns, how did the creation of creation on Earth, has been largely calm today. the world has understood that the universe originated from God particle. the world's largest laboratory, Geneva, CERN scientists looking at these, built for the team solve the mystery of the God particle. God particle reached close to the European Organisation for nuclear research Higgs boson. [CERN scientists today by the press conference]. Although his formal announcement before the experiment video was leaked.

Many feet down into the ground near Geneva, CERN laboratory exploring the thousands of scientists in France and Switzerland border. went down 300 feet underground using scientific years. 27 km long large Collider [LHC] scientific harden molecules bump between us. it's fast particles rotate-the world's largest machine.

Scientific notion that the Higgs boson particle of big bang 13.7 billion years ago and born during that mahavisphot mahadhmake of brahmad came into being. LHC big bang done via exactly who was tried years ago: the culture column at LHC has thrown the particles speed so they bumped into each other at the beginning of the proteins, scientists can. but hampered bump provided Scientists in November, 2011. the collision of some proteins. results of this collision ayans puzzled scientists in December the. declare that they are approaching God particle kebehad.

If the God particle has proved the existence of the brahmad in the future. easier to research so far scientists have only just brahmad information phisad pach. rest of dark known as dark energy or maitar.