Tamil Nadu Government

His new film ' vishvarupam ' in Tamil Nadu Government disputing the ban hurt by South superstar Kamal Hassan made this entire episode abarsan "creative", that is they take my baby would be killed before. He said that they (Tamil Nadu Government) will not put an end to easy not long film and don't waste me financially. I am ready to face financial disaster, but the pressure jhukunga. Hassan said he can break me financially but not my soul. Hassan said that the Tamil version of the film print of Chief Minister Jayalalitha's jailing in front of the entire Office to the point in talks with Hasan say by mid day, Let us know:-

Tamil Nadu Government came to you why suffering? You have the iconic actor who brighten the name of country and State?

They don't think like that. they think I made several controversial films and tame to me they want me knee forces. today being accused of being islamvirodhi on me, because Al-Qaida terrorists in my film's integrity is shown are that they probably forget it ' Hindu terrorism ' I ' on a film like ' Hey RAM. He also forgot that I first I am the artist who created the toppling of Babri Masjid was critical of the Muslim community of friends I. even my surname due to a misunderstanding on the international havaiadde was also created.

-Vishvarupam islamvirodhi Islamic terrorism by showing you why being in charge of Indian Muslims to acquire. while identity crisis in Hindi, adding terrorism will sacrifice many good movies like black & white,.

They have nothing to do with the fact that my terrorist is a terrorist activities Afghanistan Indian all have shown around. Yes, some Muslim brothers have shown Al-Qaida the context object, so I am willing to remove it.

-Why the Al-Qaida terrorist activities added objection arose?

The reason the movie has been found through evil court consisting of Chief Minister Jayalalitha after I tried to keep his word, but they refer to the court case to meet by deny. meet me home. I got them, they do the same thing to hear when something new is not only what I do.

-This issue is moving forward with the movie release?

Looking at the world. I have my film went away from the issue. I am ready to face the consequences. the Tamil version of the print I vishvarupam in front of the Government Office will burn. "my baby" to abortion '. it looks like he died before sleep my child want to sleep. "he said that regardless of whatever it is I do not jhukunga next to fascism To financially ruin me. they want to make sure that I do not do a movie and it would be worse than death for the position, but I think it is logical and intellectual attack on me and I will give her the same answer.

The administrative

According to the experts at previous UPSC top 10 participants was 6 and doctors. propheshan even after youth study administrative service to choose as careers.

Is it fair that after doctors and engineering selected administrative services?

Some consider it negative shikshavid. they believe that engineers and doctors should serve only in their propheshan, they shouldn't come in administrative services. their knowledge in their correct use of propheshan.

He is specialized in medical engineering, so they are the right ways to give your support in the advancement of their country. He studies to become a doctor, engineer on the Government spent the money to their doctor and engineer. careers should choose in the same area.

Careers in the developed world, according to kaunsalars. read the young doctors and engineering administrative services from services are affected in such a young medical and engineering colleges. acquire the seat so that the other participants do not get the chance.

In the administrative services such as youth get vacant posts from other qualified candidates in the two areas are denied after becoming doctors and engineers area., do not change the pressure on area.

Many academic this positive. He is able youth of propheshan degree IQ level is quite high, there can be the best administrative officer. youth. medical and engineering studies and quick thinking by youth, decision making ability, his doctors and engineers upon graduation though. time, money and labor might spend threeThey should contribute in these services.

Aphsari wanting of these youth is attracted to administrative services. professional career-conscious young staying before your degree, then decks are being constantly cleared of administrative services competitive examinations.

The administrative services over the past ten years to achieve success in the competitive examinations of professional degree holders is too many.

Current technical courses, syllabus and examination system of systems that support and administrative services in propheshan degree. no way, but in ideal conditions in your area as well as serve the holder youth.

Laila Khan

The Mumbai police were looking for six months ago by Laila Khan and four other members of the kankalon could be yet funeral. Laila Laila, the father says of other family members for the past five months from the funeral to the police are, but to no success. significantly, the other members of their family, including Laila in July the skeleton of the igatpuri Near the farmhouse was removed by then.

Layla's father nadir Shah says that the family members several times to the funeral from the police have been talking but he promises every time false. Interestingly, Laila salina and Imran, his mother, the third husband of zaara and ajmina salina Pervez tak murdered bodies dumped near his farmhouse was questioned by police he was link to your crime And his spotter was removed from the ground only on kankalon. kankalon of the jewelry also met last year arrested in Jammu and Kashmir. tak.

In this case the police have yet to seek these shaker Hussein and Wani donno join murder. Nadir said that he sometimes family members to write letters to the police for the funeral, but to no avail. There is the nadir of charges by the police told them police of uncoordinated time ago. kankalon is reported and the case of DNA Discussions on the official level.

For benefit of society

Kolkata [Calcutta] noted in Dalhousie Square, Red Garden or Red Building the Writers' Building. It is three hundred years the Secretariat. Governor's House youngsters red garden or small red building next to the Auditor General [AG] office. Sir Edward Drummond in 1860 where he first took over as the Auditor General.Montague Chelmsford Office of the Auditor General Act in 1919 has been independent from the administration. Government of India Act, 1935 for provinces separately under different provisions for the Auditor General and the Comptroller and Auditor General were appointed at the center. Indian Audit and Accounts Department since the basic structure remains the same.

In ancient Babylon, and even economics Chanakya describes auditor. In England from the 14th century as a type of audit was begun, although the system revived in the 19th century come when companies its shareholders before the balance sheet prior to issuing the audit made mandatory. Auditor General of England and the control system was implemented in 1860. Parliamentary approval it had the control over the money supply. CAG in India has never been given this power.

After independence in 1948, Sir Monrosteg V Narahari Rao handed over the responsibility of CAG. At that time the British were the Comptroller and Auditor General. Indians were soon enroll in this service, when some officers were designated in 1869. D. In the early authorities Kishan Singh, Rajani Nath Ray, T Krishnaswamy Iyengar, Ishan Chandra Bose and Hla Oung Muong included. By the end of the 19th century, Indian officials have become Auditor General. Women officers in the service and took fifty years. Similarly, in 1907 the accounting and audit service youngster Red Bari's most eminent authorities took the position as Assistant Auditor General. Stopped from going abroad on health Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman topped the Financial Civil Service Examination. In a rented house in Calcutta Baubajar while enroute to the AG office, Indian Association of Cultivation of Science office had their eye on. Founded by Dr. Mahendra Lal Sircar was India's first scientific research institute. Raman AG duty in the office and in the evening before going to work in this office after being discharged. The cycle continued for a decade at the University of Calcutta in 1917 and got his job. Raman won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930 after India became the first scientist.

Sunita Williams

Over nearly four months in space after two Indian space flight engineer Sunita Williams associates your scientific Japan's akihiko hoshide and other Russia's Yuri malenchenko nearly 7: 30 minutes Monday morning with sakushal on soyuj his craft on Earth. TMA-05 a day sakushal landed on the NASA Space Center the Venera banker in wave race. He spent 127 days in which female space space Travellers have a record.

His two colleagues on July 15 with the space space space walk by gari. they also created a new record. Meanwhile Sunita's father to meet them to NASA.

Sunita has these five months where the Indian tricolor unfurled in space there is space all Indians Diwali blessings came to the us from space. He observed the magnitude of land Sandy return Sunita's glow on. worth watching after he hit. VENERA safe landing space, he said. of our living experience is highly impressive that we see surprise us. how here are Environment-friendly is the best place, where it set. we swim in some effort takes the air. I think that no one would be willing to leave such a place.

Sunita the other woman in the world who took command of the space station before their departure, Sunita Williams. formally in command of the international space station by NASA astronaut Kevin Ford your ally to the current after Ford eksapedishan. eksapedishan 34 33 kurumada. the ISS on December 19 of three astronauts sent on lead. flight engineer Chris heidfeld, Tom marshabarn and Roman romnenko under the next campaign will be sent to the international space station.

Inosens Of Muslims

Islam anti American movie ' inosens of muslims in Gujarat on Wednesday in protest against ' ire sparked the procession without police permit. and Chief Minister Narendra Modi and screamed slogans against the Royal Imam of Jama Masjid, pathrav out of the station and arson. police dispersed crowds raging to lathicharge and fired tear gas shells.

The protests around the world against the disputed film. it, some Muslim organizations have sought permission to perform at Ahmedabad. citing peace and order by the police refused permission. Additionally, many clerics, including the Imam of Jama Masjid Royal also indicated this was of a disagreement between theSome people collect on Wednesdays are red door and screamed slogans against Chief Minister Narendra Modi, Jama Masjid. SHAHI Imam slogans against here he and nearest police station in vehicles torched by protesters at pathrav. including police. four policemen to injuries.


Viet Nam's northern and central provinces in heavy rain and flooding in at least 16 people were injured, while the other 38. Viet Nam's national information for search & resco ' Sunday at kamiti.

According to Xinhua News Agency, HA tinh and an influx from two provinces, nahe, where 3,500 home province hit 22,000 hectares on land and crop and fruit trees were submerged.

Hydro-meteorological center ' by country ' phorkasting Center of the province from the nahe an hoa tanh-river flood levels lighter but still the risk of local flooding results. the 14,000 people prepared to deal with.

Higgs boson particle

Man's greatest concerns, how did the creation of creation on Earth, has been largely calm today. the world has understood that the universe originated from God particle. the world's largest laboratory, Geneva, CERN scientists looking at these, built for the team solve the mystery of the God particle. God particle reached close to the European Organisation for nuclear research Higgs boson. [CERN scientists today by the press conference]. Although his formal announcement before the experiment video was leaked.

Many feet down into the ground near Geneva, CERN laboratory exploring the thousands of scientists in France and Switzerland border. went down 300 feet underground using scientific years. 27 km long large Collider [LHC] scientific harden molecules bump between us. it's fast particles rotate-the world's largest machine.

Scientific notion that the Higgs boson particle of big bang 13.7 billion years ago and born during that mahavisphot mahadhmake of brahmad came into being. LHC big bang done via exactly who was tried years ago: the culture column at LHC has thrown the particles speed so they bumped into each other at the beginning of the proteins, scientists can. but hampered bump provided Scientists in November, 2011. the collision of some proteins. results of this collision ayans puzzled scientists in December the. declare that they are approaching God particle kebehad.

If the God particle has proved the existence of the brahmad in the future. easier to research so far scientists have only just brahmad information phisad pach. rest of dark known as dark energy or maitar.