The Mumbai police were looking for six months ago by Laila Khan and four other members of the kankalon could be yet funeral. Laila Laila, the father says of other family members for the past five months from the funeral to the police are, but to no success. significantly, the other members of their family, including Laila in July the skeleton of the igatpuri Near the farmhouse was removed by then.
Layla's father nadir Shah says that the family members several times to the funeral from the police have been talking but he promises every time false. Interestingly, Laila salina and Imran, his mother, the third husband of zaara and ajmina salina Pervez tak murdered bodies dumped near his farmhouse was questioned by police he was link to your crime And his spotter was removed from the ground only on kankalon. kankalon of the jewelry also met last year arrested in Jammu and Kashmir. tak.
In this case the police have yet to seek these shaker Hussein and Wani donno join murder. Nadir said that he sometimes family members to write letters to the police for the funeral, but to no avail. There is the nadir of charges by the police told them police of uncoordinated time ago. kankalon is reported and the case of DNA Discussions on the official level.
Layla's father nadir Shah says that the family members several times to the funeral from the police have been talking but he promises every time false. Interestingly, Laila salina and Imran, his mother, the third husband of zaara and ajmina salina Pervez tak murdered bodies dumped near his farmhouse was questioned by police he was link to your crime And his spotter was removed from the ground only on kankalon. kankalon of the jewelry also met last year arrested in Jammu and Kashmir. tak.
In this case the police have yet to seek these shaker Hussein and Wani donno join murder. Nadir said that he sometimes family members to write letters to the police for the funeral, but to no avail. There is the nadir of charges by the police told them police of uncoordinated time ago. kankalon is reported and the case of DNA Discussions on the official level.